..... is what ignorants believe.
I would have thought that Mark Quartiano who calls himself "The Shark" would at least be knowledgeable about sharks. He has been hunting sharks for the last 40 years, and probably considers himself a shark "expert".
Well, let me tell you, Mark is certainly a proficient shark hunter but he knows next to nothing about his prey.
I wrote him recently to find out whether he would consider diving with sharks with me one day, hoping that such an experience would turn the killer into a conservationist.
This is part of his reply to me:
"Thanks for your offer...but I never get in the water with sharks....and the last time I checked Tiger sharks accounted for most all shark fatalities in the world..."
I just don't understand guys like him. Mark has been into sharks for decades - and he would never get in the water with sharks? He is probably not the only one. I am sure Australian born Vic Hislop, definitely the most infamous shark angler, is also terrified of 'man-eating' sharks, and would never snorkel or dive with them.
Poor guys - they must have too much testosterone to even imagine what they are missing....
Mark's business is to feed on people's fear of sharks; mine - if I can call it a 'business' - is to show that sharks are not dangerous, not even the big ones.
Mark will never convince me that what he does is right; he, in turn, would simply refuse to even try to look at sharks the way I do. Too bad...
Here are two images that reduce the irreconcilability of our positions to a graphic impact:

Playful tiger shark - alive and bad?
Photo: Amanda Cotton

Crucified tiger shark - dead and good?