Monday, March 16, 2009

Wolf - radio silence

My dad was on his way to South Africa to dive with the tigers and whites.  During his layover in Sao Paulo he had to be hospitalized as he was vomiting blood.

After an endoscopy there are two possible diagnosis, an ulcer or stomach cancer.  Biopsies have been taken and we are now waiting on the results.  Today he received a CAT scan and we had the good news that nothing has spread beyond the stomach area.

By coincidence, I am here is Sao Paulo for work so I am able to spend time with him. He is great spirits and is ready for either outcome...he has had two cancers in the past of which one he was only given a 20% survival chance.  I don't doubt that he would take this one on the same way.

The only thing he is really concerned about is not being able to dive with his friends with fins and getting back into the water as soon as possible.  It will be the sharks and him wanting to be with them that will give him the right attitude and energy to put this behind him.

David sent me a note and said it best: he has the strength of a shark and love of a dolphin...I told David he got it wrong...strength AND LOVE of a shark.

I will keep updating the blog to share any news with you all.

On a side note I have already heard the bad news in reference to the NBC show...while I have not seen it, I can well image what was done...what part do the people in the diving and shark industry not get???


Admin said...

Wolf is in our thoughts. Jeff and I know he will recover quickly as he does have the love of the shark running through him.

Jupp said...

Felix, thanks for the update. I hope everything will be OK and please tell the "old man" (who is actually younger than I am) to hang in there. We need him fit in November at Tiger Beach. I could not imagine a week at TB without him.
Get well, Wolf! I know you are a fighter and will beat this thing. I keep my fingers crossed and I know that the whole group from last November is doing the same.

Jeff Schreiber said...

As Amanda said, we're sending him and you our best thoughts for his speedy recovery. Please keep us informed!

Hanli Prinsloo said...

Please please send Wolf all my love, good wishes and warm hugs. He is bigger than this... I am holding him in my thoughts and heart.