Monday, March 30, 2009

Tiger Shark debates continues

David over at Southern Fried Science has a new post on the Tiger Shark killing by Craig Clasen (David - for your entertainment only "murderer").  David's posts always create some interesting and intense debates / conversations - I am sure this one will be no different.  He is also a contributing blogger on Underwater Thrills: Swimming with Sharks.

David is (from his blog description): "a graduate student in South Carolina studying shark conservation. He is the author of the upcoming book “Why Sharks Matter: Using New Environmentalism to Show The Economic And Ecological Importance of Sharks, The Threats They Face, and How You Can Help”.  He is  also an amateur shark photographer and videographer, and is involved with online shark advocacy. His time is divided between educating the public about sharks, spending days at a time at sea playing with sharks, and eating horribly unhealthy foods.

In addition to sharks, he writes about fisheries issues, marine conservation, environmental activism, politics as applied to science, and space technology. He also knows quite a bit about the scientific applications of Google Earth software."

Hope you can tune in...


the One called "Bitey"... said...

I check in at Southern Fried Science every now and again, but David's staunch anthropocentrism really bothers me. I have a hard time taking his points of view very seriously when he interjects that horrible bias - as much as I want to hear what a working scientist has to say about sharks....

WhySharksMatter said...

Bitey, just to be sure, you're saying that my claiming that human needs are important bothers you? You're saying that when a human values human needs that this is a "horrible bias"?

Thanks for the link, Felix