Monday, November 01, 2010

L'Union fait la Force (= United we Stand)

We are all for the sharks!!
(Photo: Wolfgang Leander)

Click to enlarge

Here is a bunch of guys who are deeply concerned about the future of the sharks in the Bahamas and in Florida. They do things without promoting themselves and reaching out for donations. My kinda people.

Once in a while I feel that Felix and I are lone rangers with little striking force when compared to all the well-known shark conservation NGO's and their supporters. But then I see that there are other ones out there, folks like us, with no sponsors or celebrities to help them get their messages through.

Some well established non-profit organizations are so jealous about their work that they won't allow you to get near them - unless, of course, you make a donation.

I once contacted Bite-Back in the UK to try to get them as allies in my early fight against Alibaba (the online shark fin broker, you remember, don't you?) - their answer was as sobering as a bucket of cold water. They laconically stated that they had other other important matters to deal with, so, no, but thank you anyway, and good-bye.

Individuals like the SharkTaskForce, Mark Harding, the Shark Divers, and many others should join forces when there are specific urgencies to be addressed in order to make an impact.

The necessity to save the sharks in the Bahamas is such a case. Both the
SharkTaskForce and OceanicDreams wrote blogs about the subject without cross referencing their blogs.

Our motto should be: L'union fait la force.

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