Sunday, November 27, 2011

Shark researcher David Shiffman needs our support.

PhD Student David Shiffman of the University of Miami has been named a finalist in the 2011 blogging scholarship.

Should David win, it will provide him with $10,000 towards his doctoral dissertation research, focusing on the ecological importance of sharks to coral reefs. He will also use the money to support his lab's citizen science program, which has taken over 1,000 high school students and teachers into the field to learn about sharks and participate in an active research program.

If you are for sharks, which I am sure you are, please vote for David and his important research project. David is a very dedicated young scientist, and a passionate shark conservationist. He deserves to be supported.

All you have to do is vote for him no later than November 30, plain and simple. Here is the link.

Thank you.


DaShark said...

You need to vote every day please, not just once.

ScienceRox said...

Another finalist, Heather Cohen, is a grad student who's research has direct benefits on human health and will help people suffering from autoimmune diseases such as diabetes, lupus, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, etc. A vote for Heather Cohen is a vote for human health!