Thursday, August 04, 2011

Wolfie is the most beautiful and smartest grand-son in the world....

... just look at him!! He was only two weeks old when I took these pics of him being romanced by his grandma Karin.

To hold him, caress him, and marvel at him, is to relive our boundless joy as young parents almost 35 years ago...

As they say in Spain and Latin America: "Los nietos son el postre de la vida." (= Grandchildren are the dessert of life").

Indeed, indeed....


DaShark said...

As they say in German Grosseltern begabter Enkel glauben an Vererbung! :)

Wolfgang said...

That is a good one, Mike!!! :-)

= "Grand-parents of gifted grand-children believe in genetical transmission!" ----- Hahahahahaha!!!!

Megan Frances Abrahams said...


lyn nelson said...

Congratulations once again! Wolfie really is beautiful. Does he have a baby snorkel and mask yet? Maybe Cressi could make a custom pieces in honor of his namesake and his Daddy.....and some looooong fins like theirs!

Enjoy your precious time with him. Besos.